How to create a consistent flow of bookings, so you can reclaim your time and focus on your genius.

The Simple Way To Help Your Travel Business Flourish in 2022

10x Tourism

What Drives Your Passion Most?

If you’re a tourism business owner, you probably prefer being out in the field rather than stuck in the I right?

Each day you look forward to getting to know new people, just as excited about your destination as you are...

Spending every day doing what you’re passionate about is your ultimate goal.

Whether it’s leading a group through the urban jungle of your favourite city, exploring epic vistas in the countryside, or venturing into the wild by safari...

You just want to share what you love doing most and creating unforgettable experiences for others...

And for this, your clients love you!


The challenge is that if you want to keep growing your tourism business, and keep clients coming back for more life-changing adventures -

You need people to know about you.

Sure, word of mouth can help, maybe you also have some hardcore loyal clients

who can refer a guest or two...

But at the end of a hard day, you still find you’re not getting enough,

or the right kinds of tour enquiries through the door.

You spend all your time running around in circles chasing people

who aren’t as excited as they should be about your tours.

It’s not that you aren’t good enough, or that you didn’t choose the right website design,

or price point...

It’s because you simply haven’t cracked the right way to reach all the amazing potential clients out there, waiting for someone just like you to take them on the tour of their life.

So, instead of chasing the next client...

What if Things Looked Completely Different?

Imagine what it would be like to have booking after booking flooding in, and your inbox brimming with tour requests from eager travellers wanting you to make their dream trip a reality.

What if all you had to do to achieve this was as simple as jumping on a call with them, answering some questions - and getting to see how excited they are to join you on the next adventure...

How amazing would it be to spend every day with fully booked tours, sharing your passion for your favourite travel experiences.

Do you agree?

So…How Can You Make This Happen?

The simple answer - Marketing, but not as you know it.

You see, many tour operators are getting sucked into the endless world of

marketing channels and technology.

Trying to figure out when and what to post on Facebook...

How to get clients from Google...

Or how these new and shiny marketing tools can be useful for their business.

They are doing all of this, not because they love marketing and want to ‘know it all’

But because they feel that if they don’t - they will just vanish…

Or even worse...

They feel that if they don’t do something now, if they don’t gulp every piece of information that the “marketing gurus” are sharing, their business will soon be gone...

You’ve Had This Irritating Feeling…

That if you don’t do this too,

then you’re doomed to stay at home...

And wait for the phone to ring, and your inbox to ping.

Don’t worry…

There is a much, MUCH easier way...

You can get clients knocking on the door every day...

You can have tours fully booked...

And most importantly - tours full with clients sporting huge smiles on their faces, grateful that they chose to travel with YOU!

Hey! It’s a Pleasure To Meet You

Your one stop shop for digital marketing -

Who live, and breath marketing travel companies like yours...

For the last 10 years we’ve been specialising in making tourism businesses like yours explode!

We do this by focusing on what we do best: Helping you to share your passion, creating meaningful connections between you and your ideal clients - who then book with you in droves.

The way we do this is through our unique Get More Bookings® system which builds trust, targets and converts your ideal audience.

Working across multiple channels, we harness the most innovative technology out there...and more importantly...make your own unique story stand out amongst the rest.

No, you don’t need to understand the nitty gritty details of social media and advertising, or complicated software, because we take care of all of this for you.

All you need to do is...bring the right can-do attitude, and the same ambition that sparked your first step into starting your business in this travel industry we all love...

And to know that everything you really want out of your business is not only possible...

But can even be achieved this year!

We are 10x tourism.

Everything Starts With a Free, No-Strings Strategy Session

Stop manifesting your future success, and take action now by meeting online with one of our Get More Bookings® Specialists, who will personally walk you through how the Get More Bookings® system will work for your specific business.

It’s a fact-finding mission for both parties: there’s no obligation to work together, and you’ll be able to ask us about our process in more detail.

We’ll ask you about your business and goals, and about “where it hurts” with your current sales process and digital marketing, to assess how we can best help.

Schedule My Free Strategy Session

I strive to revolutionise how you’ll find new clients and grow your business, through developing innovative new features that automate and improve your marketing system. When it comes to travel, food really is the way to my heart. I love to indulge in the culinary tastes of every city I find myself in. My favourite place so far has been Medellin, in Colombia.

Jay Connelly, Co-Founder & CEO

I’m your go-to person at every step of your campaign. I ensure that you get the most out of every tool available, and are connecting with the right kind of clients. Having been a tour guide myself in London, I get the most enjoyment from stumbling upon little known hang-out spots and finding out quirky facts about locations. My favourite place to travel has been stunning Koh Lanta in Thailand.

Esmée Fitzgerald, Chief Operations Officer

Who's Behind 10X Tourism?

An expert in amplifying your brand and overseeing the creation and development of your automations and ads. I make sure that nothing gets missed, and am on hand for 1-1 tech support all the way. While travelling, I’m always seeking out the next place - with Malta being one of my favourites, but ultimately nothing beats the Scottish Highlands.

Jordan Henry,

Product Manager

Nicole Copestake,

Marketing Specialist

I help bring your story to life in the most impactful way to make your audience fall in love with your travel niche. My passion is to travel around the world and completely immerse myself in the cities I reside in. I couldn’t pick a favourite but I'll always have a soft spot for Hanoi, having lived and worked there so long.

Meet Your Partners to the Journey

What Exactly Is it That We Do?

We help bring your story to life, through a multitude of unique and nimble ways.

These include, but are not limited to…

Keeping your audience coming back for more with enticing email marketing and automation.

Helping you overcome your marketing pain points through guided consultation, and 1-1 tech support.

Creating multimedia content that’s proven to convert, from blog articles to video ads.

Targeting your ideal clients with ads management on all major channels, from Google to Youtube.

All with the aim of streamlining your sales process and giving back your free time!

We’re not just another marketing agency, and you’re not just another tourism business...

We focus on dreams, not tours, so we don’t treat your business the way marketing agencies often do - by applying the same ‘cut & paste’ tactics to your business as everyone else, and who you only hear from when the bill is due.

Unlike generalised marketing agencies who only focus on site traffic or search rankings, we take a deep dive into your specific business and travel niche.

Trust The Proven Process

Trust The Proven Process

We create a tailored sales growth solution that forges meaningful connections with your audience, so more people can enjoy the life-changing experiences that you offer.

The Get More Bookings® system has worked for over 100 tourism partners so far.

Are We Right For You?

At 10x Tourism, we take pride in the close relationships we form with an exclusive group of tourism businesses.

We’re more than a marketing agency, we’re a community of like-minded travel professionals.

Ones who are driven to create life-changing moments for their clients.

Because of this, we’re compelled to ensure that everyone we work with receives our devoted attention to detail, and can speak of incredible results from our process, so we only partner with a few new companies each year.

What Do Our Partners Say?

You guys were essentially practicing what you preach. And it felt very authentic, it felt like you could show proof of concept!

Andre Van Kets, Discover Africa

“What I really like about 10x Tourism is that you guys are really flexible. It doesn’t feel like you’re just an agency performing a task, but you’re our partner and we go through things together.”

Todd Starnes, Bicycle Adventures

“Look at the time you’re spending now, what is that time getting you and what time would you like to get back? We’ve paid for other systems, we’ve done other systems and nothing has worked to take that time away”

Nick Hathaway, 45 Degrees Sailing

“10x has been fantastic in achieving a different perspective into the marketing of tourism clients. They don’t just put a bunch of conversions on your website. They use a very different approach.”

Alym Bhanji, East Africa Wild Adventures

“It’s been a real eye-opener, it clearly works and gave the team such a boost…We’ve already got some really good bookings for 2022, not just deferred bookings but new bookings too”

Amy Rankin, Vagabond Tours

Does This Sound Like You? If So…We’re Excited to Help!

To find out if we’re a good fit for each other, just click the button below, leave your details - and you'll be prompted to schedule your free strategy session. We’ll ask a few initial questions about your business and your ambitions, and then you’ll be able to choose a date and time that works for you.

On your Strategy Session you’ll be joined by one of our online team members who will explain more about the 10x Tourism process and how it would apply to your business specifically.

There’s no obligation to work together after the call, and you’ll leave with a clearer idea of how to make the Get More Bookings system work for your business.

Schedule My Free Strategy Session
The Toolbox You'll Have Access to
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10x Tourism
3rd Floor, 86-90 Paul Street, London, Greater London, EC2A 4NE